
First Minister Hails “Undeniable Mandate” for Independence Referendum as Green Ministers Approved by Parliament

The First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon has hailed the “undeniable mandate” for an independence referendum in a statement to the chamber of the Scottish Parliament today before the debate on the approval of the new Green Ministers, Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater.

“As I indicated earlier, this agreement confirms our intention to give people in Scotland the choice of independence in a referendum.

“The mandate for that is undeniable – between us, the SNP and the Greens hold 72 of the 129 seats in this Parliament and each one of us was elected on a commitment to an independence referendum.

“But the reason for a referendum is even more important. As we emerge from the pandemic, the kind country and society that Scotland is and becomes in future – and the decisions that will shape our society and economy and our place in the world – must be determined, democratically, here in Scotland and not imposed upon us, so often against our will, by government at Westminster.

“Presiding Officer, the agreement we have reached offers a clear vision of the sort of country Scotland can become – a greener, fairer independent nation.”

The Scottish Parliament went on to approve the motion to appoint the Green Ministers 69 – 56, a clear majority. This is the first time the Green Party has held ministerial office anywhere in the UK and comes ahead of Glasgow hosting the COP26 climate change conference.



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